Thursday, June 11, 2009

Letter from Lilly

My dear American family,

This is me and my new pals... Maffy, Nancy and Jolfha in pink (sad, she has only 2 legs that work, the other 2 flop around mid air).

I've pawsed, dozed, slept and eaten at this nice place for a week now. The yap on the muttvine is that it's preparing me for a life with you in Massachussetts. Hope I'm doing okay, as I sure want to sniff out those lakes and trails... and meet a bear. A small one.

Every day the alpha in the house - she pricks her ears to the name 'Sherry' - has placed a rope around my neck, lifted me into a big kennel on wheels where shapes whizz past me quickly and takes me to places with lots of water or lots of people. I don't mind the rope now - it means we're gonna have some fun, new smells to sniff, new grass to mark. Not sure though about the quick-moving two-legged animals, who smell funny, approach me head on, don't circle slowly, don't give off any friendly signals and don't allow butt sniffing. Hopeless etiquette, can't imagine what kinda mother brought them into the world.

Do you have doors in your habitat? Cor, they're tricky. The one in the moving kennel is the worst... bang, and I'm trapped. Can't understand why my K9 pals take it so calmly but it's great once we're moving along. If I'm not on a rope, I like to perch high on the back seat, watching everything. I fall off a lot though. Three times I've jumped in by myself, and oh boy, each time I get a yapload of praise and pats from the she-boss. Anyway, you ain't gonna get me walking thru ANY door in the house that has some 2-legged or 4-legged standing guard. No siree. Not me, not even when they're crooning "c'mon Lilly, it'll be okay." Only gonna move through when they back off... yeh back right off. That's when it's safe.

I gotta a really nice place to sleep at night - it's small but I feel all snug, no-dogs to chase me, no 2-leggeds to kick or throw stones at me. I zizzzzzz all night, 10 hours or so. And best of all I get a bone to chew every night I go in. Two sometimes.

Got a special outing today; hope I like it. Booster jabs, rabies, tick fever test - and a manicure and pedicure if I smile nicely. Hope the Hairy Dogmother will be looking out for me.

Please write if you have time. Meanwhile, I want you all to know I'm studying hard. Next week I have to learn something called 'sit'.
Many licks,

Your Lilly xxx

Summary end Week 1
by Sherry
Fine on collar/leash providing there's no noisy/speeding traffic.
Crate training going very well.
Does not like quick/sudden movements towards her.
Comes to name, but will only approach if coast is clear: no doors, no people, no dogs to hamper her progress.
Loud and unfamiliar noises get an immediate down-tail and crouch - it's at these times she might flee.
She wags excitedly at other dogs, scenting the air after them (providing all is peaceful around).

1 comment:

Amy Ferber said...

Dear, Dear Lilly and Sherry,
so wonderful to hear from you! Sounds as if you are ready now! We are awaiting your arrival anxiously. You will find a house of humans and canines who live to hike and swim and roam the meadows and forrests surrounding our home. In fact, you will be arriving at the favorite time of the young ones - summer! It will be warm here - rarely as warm as in Singapore, and the creatures all celebrate the long, sunny days and the fantastic explosion of flowers and plants with having babies. Our canine pals find the hunting to be fruitful - often to the dismay of the humans. So far Bindu and Hudson have hunted down rabbits and wild turkeys. Mostly we walk off lease, but when we go in the moving crate, we know we have to slow down and socialize. It's always bustling at home with friends and family - but each of us are able to retreat to our den in the bedrooms when we feel overwhelmed. Another thing you will enjoy is the training we do with friends - human and canine. We learn tracking, and also how to approach humans who are fragile and need comfort. There is so much to share with you, I'll have to post some photos. Keep your eye out for 'em! Much love, all the best, and keep wagging, Love, Amy et al.