Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lilly has visitors!

Sunday, 5th July : oh goodie, Visitors!

Christina (Lilly's rescuer) popped in, bringing her own 8 year old "puppy" Venus for a play date with my dogs. Lilly was delighted, sniffing, bowing and hovering over Venus, as were my other dogs Maffy and Nancy. Tiny Venus remained calm and unconcerned, running around the garden in her own little world of new scents. Finally the over-excited advances got to her, and with surprising speed she turned and, and.... well, stuck her tongue right out at Lilly! Well, that's what the photo looks like , and Lilly's eyes were popping out of her head in surprise.
Lilly is good with other dogs providing all the canine etiquette is observed. She will though retaliate if she's threatened.
As for cats, the other day we walked towards the local black stray who doesn't feel the need to move as dogs go by. On leash, Lilly made a playful leap towards kitty. I made a "tsst" sound, she stopped, looked at me, and from that point on ignored the cat, not glancing its way at all. Not sure what I'm reading into that, other than I feel Lilly will be easy to train to ignore cats. Harder I'm sure if the cat is fleeing! A "tssst" seems to redirect Lilly's attention from everything, just as calling Lilly Come grabs her attention and she wags up (in the house & garden, she hasn't been off leash with me outside).
Trying desperately to book Lilly's flight on 16th July and complete remaining paperwork in time for her journey to USA.

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